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105 (Other) Things About Me
March 13, 2004, 11:51 p.m.

Okay, there's the 101 Things About Me entry, right? Now, I give you 105 Things! Look-it here!

  1. I'm a dork

  2. I'm a short dork

  3. I've been called many things in my life, including slutty, bitchy, ugly, hot, etc

  4. The only person to call me hot, however, was Pi

  5. Though 101 Things says I've never had a white boyfriend, it is now inaccurate

  6. As of now, I've had two

  7. So nya

  8. Aside from that, I'm now 16

  9. I know what it's like to be in love

  10. It's wonderful, in case you didn't know

  11. I now have more gay/bi friends than straight ones

  12. As much as I love them, that is seriously sad

  13. At this moment, I'm stressed over research papers

  14. And I'm only in 10th grade

  15. You'd think I'd worry about that crap next year

  16. My English teacher, Ms. Fishkin, makes sure that all of her kids suffer

  17. I can only trust two with my darkest secrets

  18. They are Jimmie and Pioneer

  19. Jimmie wouldn't take half of the stuff I said seriously, or wouldn't be able to understand

  20. Pioneer, for the most part, tries to understand, but he never could

  21. Don't you think Pioneer is a weird name? Haha

  22. I love you, Pi

  23. Oh, and I'm not biracial.

  24. I'm actually multiracial

  25. I am black, white, and Native American

  26. I'm even part Jewish

  27. Had I not had the African American influence on my looks, I'd have a big nose like my mother

  28. Or Pi XD

  29. I love you Pi

  30. Yes, I know I said that twice

  31. A guy once forced himself on me

  32. Boy, was that fun!

  33. And yes, that was sarcasm

  34. Here's what I look like at age 15

  35. I probably still look like that now, actually

  36. Someone once told me I look younger than I actually am

  37. This dude in the military once told me I looked like I was eight

  38. Another military dude-- my friend Harry-- is in Iraq right now

  39. I'm not too thrilled about it

  40. 'Tis one of the reasons why I hate Bush so much

  41. I think Bush is an idiot, don't you?

  42. Though I care very little for politics, I sure as hell get riled up for elections

  43. Adam once told me I was too perky

  44. Haha, his last name is Sugarman

  45. Sugarman! Hahahaha

  46. I love Adam

  47. But not the same way I love Pi

  48. Pi says I kicked his ass when we were nine

  49. I somehow don't remember it, though I did hate him at the time

  50. It's funny how friendships work out, no?

  51. The movie I was an extra in bombed at the box office

  52. It was the infamous Justin to Kelly movie

  53. Yes, it was really bad

  54. Despite popular belief, I'm only an average flute player

  55. The rest in my band, excluding two others, are just below average

  56. So I'd appreciate it, Devon, if you'd stop calling me "Master"

  57. I'm now damn near 110 lbs

  58. This is a good thing, since at my lowest I was 103

  59. My peak weight was 128

  60. I was a fat girl with chunky arms

  61. Now I'm a skinny girl with chunky arms

  62. Pi says he likes my chunky arms

  63. He's a strange guy

  64. When I make myself up right, and wear the right clothing, I've been known to stop guys in their tracks

  65. It's quite fun

  66. And really flattering

  67. However, most of the time I go unnoticed by the opposite sex

  68. At times, its rather depressing

  69. Hell, the only guy I know that is attracted to me at my worst is my boyfriend

  70. I hate the piccolo

  71. I only play it because Mr. Nicholson made me

  72. However, Mr. Nicholson retired in January

  73. I still play the piccolo

  74. I still hate it

  75. I wanted to play oboe this year

  76. I got a keyboard instead

  77. I really suck at keyboard

  78. I can't even read bass clef

  79. I can read things, however, written in treble

  80. That's that little squiggly S-shaped line at the right

  81. It dictates the placement of notes when reading music

  82. Elvis once gave me a rose

  83. It was a fake Elvis, mind you

  84. A weird 70's dancer on South Beach also winked at me

  85. It was really creepy

  86. I now have three ultimate best friends

  87. They are Alice, Pioneer, and Jimmie

  88. A little farther down the line lie Ariana, Keriane, Drew, Kenny, Benjamin, and Chris L

  89. And farther still lie Nathan, Chris M, Kosho, Heath, Tad, and Pablo

  90. It's sad that Drew is so high on my list, when he's the one that forced himself on me

  91. And what's worse is that I hate him more than I've ever hated anyone

  92. And I'd fallen harder for him than I have for most guys

  93. I said most, mind you

  94. It took me almost two years to get over him

  95. Two years is a long time to be stuck on someone

  96. I'm so glad to have my Pi

  97. Ever since we've been seeing eachother, my confidence has gone up a bit

  98. Only a bit, however

  99. I still don't think I'm that pretty

  100. I miss Lathan's company, even if he is a dumbass

  101. I haven't heard from him in a really long time

  102. Sometimes I wish I could've preserved all of my friendships with my ex-boyfriends

  103. However, I have never regretted being with either of them

  104. And I've never regretted having a ridiculously large crush on Davis

  105. That's just the way life works

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