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I've heard of second-hand smoke, but this is crazy!
August 16, 2003, 1:38 a.m.

Methinks I have a cavity. It's not the most comfortable thing in the world, but it's a bit tolerable. Damn cavity.

My hand's a bit shivery right now because someone *coughvibrant2001cough* sent me one of them pages that suprise you with a scary image. God, I wouldn't put anyone else through that. I'm sorry, Jess, but that's wrong! Wrong, wrong, wrong! *shiver*

Yesterday, James and I went to the mall to watch S.W.A.T. That movie is so horrible, but since I paid nothing for the movie I have no room for complaint.

While walking through the almost-empty mall (it was about 9 PM), we ran into Jose, Demoris, and Tanoris. Naturally, Demoris, as fine as he his with his braids and his thugged out attitude, made some remark about me hanging out with a white guy (when he himself is part white). "Ah, you know Allison is always hangin' out with her white friends." But he gave me a hug, which suprised me. 'Never was close with him. I really don't know how he knew my name in the first place.

Tanoris was silent, as usual. His plump frame walked by without so much as a "How are you?". Jose made some stupid remark, but I'm quite used to it-- He's at my house often enough for me to learn to tolerate his stupidness.

After we walked away I explained to James that they were just band friends: Tanoris and Jose on trumpet, Demoris on bass drum and bari sax.

A while later I caught a ride home, where I was walked to the door and given a gift. (AWWWW!) James is such a sweetie! He brought me some chocolates from a factory he went to and a necklace from St. Augustine. I really didn't expect him to bring me anything. But oh! It was sweet!

I must say, James must be the best boyfriend I've ever had. And trust me-- I've had plenty.

Today is a whole 'nother story. I slept 'til 1:30 PM and then watched tv, ate "breakfast" (which was only a bowl of stale cereal), cleaned my room, called Jimmie, practiced my flute for a few*coughseveral'causeI'malosercough* hours, ate dinner, tolerated what's-her-name from across the street, practiced, called James (no answer), called Lathan, and then James called me back.

Lathan is a dumbass, as usual. For a boyfriend who knows the relationship is going to hell, he doesn't salvage much:

"Wow. We haven't talked in a while," I said.

"Yeah, I know."

"Ever tried calling?"

"Yeah! I did! Once!"

"And how long ago was that, Lathan?"

"Um... about a week ago."


A few very painful minutes full of forced conversation later, James calls back. Naturally, I made up an excuse to Lathan to get off of the phone, and I spent the good part of the night chatting with my Jamesy.

Actually, I heard his sister's voice more than I heard his. The message to James from his father popped up in my mind:

"James, when you go to college, move far, far away." He then paused. The van started cracking up at the Don't be like your sister and move closer and closer every few weeks But I had fun anyway: He slipped on his sister's dog's urine and all I heard is noise. Josh, his little green-eyed brother, picked up the phone and informed me that James fell. My ass was crackin' up! Woooh! That was funny.

I found out an odd little thing about him and his family. They are all masters at movie quotes, the dorks. I even told them they were dorks. James relayed the message to Jen, his sister. She shot back a very mean message loud enough for me to hear, but now directed towards me.

"Oh, you need to drop that chick."

Normally, I'd get defensive and rude, but I controlled my ghetto urges to do some major cussing because I'm a nice girl.

I am nice, thankyouverymuch.

And tomorrow I'm going to a baseball game at Pro Player with the family. I just gotta call James and catch a ride.

But now I've got a problem. My dad just about set the house on fire with burnt bacon, so now the place is full of smoke, including the computer area. Right now, I'm ignoring the sting in my eyes and the burning of my lungs to finish this entry. It's not too bad, as long as I don't breathe too often, but it's starting to burn my nasal passage.

Daddy left to go get a fan from Walmart. Looks like I don't have a place to sleep, since Diana (the neighbor from across the street) is hogging my bed. My bedroom is completely clean of smoke. However, the couch is covered with smoke, since there are no barriers between the kitchen and family room. Lucky me.

So now I'm stuck in mom's room. Let me go in there before I die of suffocation.

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