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Dead Like Me
July 11, 2004, 12:42 p.m.

Sittin' here with my sweetheart Pi at FIU... stealing the student computers.

Aren't you happy? I actually fell asleep at around 1 last night, which is pretty normal for me, and woke up at 9:30. Fun, fun.

I'm sorry, I don't actually have anything important right now to say, so I just won't say anything in particular.

So what's on the agenda for today, you ask? Hm. I'm supposedly going to go running (HA!) and then I hope to go swimmin'. Do you actually think that I'm going to run? My fat ass? Hahaha. Hah. I'm short and slow and extremely out of shape, and I'll probably end up passing out and/or vomiting. Yum.

Well, that's all for now. Apparently, my brain is again not functioning because of the sleep that I missed a few nights ago. Not even my own sentences make sense, so bear with me, my dears. Give a sleeply little girl a break. :)


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