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Racism Stinks
2002-10-11, 9:51 p.m.

Oh y'gotta love racists. They're damn great people!

This dumb girl (I think she's a she) keeps making racist comments towards me. It's really pissing me off. Here's the conversation that went between us on mIRC (She's Sniper):

Not this again.

me ashamed/ u the nigga

alli should go to an all black room

And you should go to a racist room.

So begone!

how dare u!

What? Feeling threatened?

Good, you little brat.

the nerve!

You think you're better than me because of my race, but guess what? You don't know a damn thing.

black people r ugly

I didn't know you were black.

* SNIPER was kicked by tarpit (tarpit)

* tarpit sets mode: +b *!*

She got banned from the room by tarpit, an operator in the room.

That's not the first time that ass has bothered me. It's been goin' on for a while. One day... Oooh one day...

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