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O Canada...
September 23, 2003, 11:10 p.m.

I'm sorry, Jimmie. I luhrve you! In case you haven't noticed I haven't exactly been updating as detailed as I'd like--mostly because I haven't the time. So naturally, I write the things that stick out most in my mind, which happens to be my boyfriend, sorry.

But tonight I'm doin' it like old times, baby! It's 11:12, and I'm wired! So let's get down and boogie!

I overslept so bad this morning because my father woke me up in the middle of the night. My body is set to a biological clock: If I wake up in the middle of the night, I have to make that up. This is, of course, after I've trained myself to wake up at a certain time.

I missed the bus. 'Twas inevitable. Every morning my sister and I get to the bus stop seconds before it comes, and when we oversleep-- forget it. It ain't workin'.

The two of us then scrambled into my brother's tiny ass 1992 Chevy pickup truck with the loud-ass speaker system and he drove us to school. But as it turns out, Mr. Dreyfus had the gates to the gravel pit locked, so we had nowhere to park.

That's complete bull! How the hell can you not supply enough parking on school grounds to the students, and then close down the only available parking space within walking distance? It's ludacris! God, the school system is stupid.

But I got dropped off at the gravel pit and headed towards the bandroom, where I met The Guys (Pablo, Drew, Heath and Tad). Heath brought up yesterday, where I said that it would be cool to get a piercing "down there" and why gals do it. He said it was disgusting and told everyone that I was getting one.

But I don't want to get one. It ain't my style.Besides, can you just imagine how painful that would be? The clit is one of the most sensitive spots on a girl's entire body! Do you think I want a barbell shoved through it? Hellz naw!

And then they wouldn't stop talking about it, as if it were something that no one ever does. I told them to grow up, to which Heath replied, "You're telling us to grow up? You're the one that wants metal in your vagina!"

I DO NOT! And besides, that's completely irrelevant, right? Right! Moving on...

Unfortunately, though, the whole piercing crap seemed to attract Mr. Pervert. He followed me halfway to class before I realized that his was the opposite way.

"Why are you following me?"

"I'm going to class," he replied.

"Isn't it the other way?"

"Oh yeah!" And he scampered off.

Why is it that he's attracted after I hook up with my James? Not that it matters, anyway. James is all the guy I need.

At band, Mr. Nicholson was being a perv as well.

"Allison, I tell ya. I had a dream about you last night." Naturally, he started this conversation in front of the whole class. "Yeah, you really turned me on, girl. I saw you and that little treble clef just above your butt. If only I wasn't married..."

"God, that's disgusting!" I said while making copies of everyone's solos.

"Oh, you know you want me, Wellons." He usually refers to me by my last name. "That's why you wear those tiny little clothes and prance into my office. You practically pull your clothes off for me! 'Mr. Nicholson, look at my navel ring!'" And he makes a motion of me pulling off my top. "'Mr. Nicholson, look at my tattoo!'" He then turns around and pretend to pull his pants down past his butt.

"Don't even try that, man."

"Don't deny it. You know you want me. The older men have all the experience."

--"I'm nauseous."

--"Of course, so do the older women... But that's ok. You're acceptable."

"Goodbye, Mr. Nicholson."

By then, the class was laughing hard enough that several people were grabbing their sides. Jolyse yelled that Mr. Nicholson is cheating on her, and the laughter continued. As awkward as it was, I'll have to admit it was pretty funny. Horrifying, but funny.

Lunch was coo'. I met P-lito (as Jimmie calls him-- Two Pablos would get confusing, don'tcha think?) outside the P.E. room. After that, we saw Jimmie.

"That's Jimmie?" he asked after Jimmie said hi and ran off with his crush's ID. "He looks different." Later, he said that Jimmie was, "fucking hot!" Aren't you happy, love?

Once Jimmie came back, P-lito began flirting with the two of us, asking if we want to help him cheat on Melanie, his girlfriend and my friend. First of all, I couldn't do that without cheating on my boyfriend. Second of all, I wouldn't do that to Melanie. And third of all, hell no!

After a while of chatting back and forth between Jimmie, Benjamin, and P-lito, I sat on top of the table. P-lito decided to sit on my lap. As long as he didn't try to do something Drew-ish, I didn't mind.

Big, big mistake.

The boy turns around and positioned himself between my legs, forced me on my back, and nibbled my neck, man. Do you realize what that would look like from even a few inches away? The last thing I need is some guy between my legs, ok? I wouldn't even have James there.

And what's worse, is that he tried it again, man. He managed to bite my neck again, but he was off to the side in an awkward position. God dammit, I thought I got away from that crap when Drew moved out of my lunch.

Oh well. Damn Nautilus boys. They're all the same.

When I got home I got online, called Melanie, took a nap, got up and went to a band meeting (where I learned the very basics of cello thanks to one of my friends. I suck at strings.), came home and did homework, and called James. I then got online while still on the phone, and talked to Drew as well.

Drew hinted that I should stay afterschool tomorrow for the football game because he needs company. I really don't think I should, but I have to get paperwork done, so it's not like I can get out of it. I'll try to get most of it done during school so I have no excuse to stay after, but I can't make any promises.

Don't worry, James. You're still my love. :)

And here's the message Jimmie left me: "Allison, make sure that your James knows that he's not Canadian, he has this strange idea that he is.. oh wait.. maybe he is! ::gasp::"


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