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Early Release! Wooh!
February 19, 2004, 7:57 p.m.

See, Pi? Told you I'd update! Okay, yeah.

The students and teachers were occupied with early release and subject selection today. Normally, we still have our nnormal block scheduling on early release, but because we had to plan our classes next year, we visited all of our classes.

I get to see Fishkin three days in a row. Awesome.

Speaking of Fishkin, I am so mad at her. She didn't give me AP English. Why the bloody hell not? How should I know. I mean, all of my other friends are going to the class-- and I have better grades than some of them! What is up with that?

No matter, I'll just have it overridden at the beginning of next year.

Mr. Beightol put me in Physics Honors, Ms Pond, surprisingly, put me in Pre-Calculus, and I'm taking Honors American History next year.

But the rest of the losers are taking AP. Losers.

No offense to all the losers!

Teehee, I'll be getting a lot of crap for that comment.

As far as the individual classes themselves, I was bored out of my wits. I did, however play my solo with the pianist. She's a very bubbly, very blonde character.

What is this hype about Hilary Duff? Everytime I turn on the tv nowadays, I'm bombarded by images of the slightly thick blonde talking about her upcoming movie rolesand her newfound music career. Am I the only one that sees something wrong with this?

Okay, yeah. She can act. I'll give her props for that. But where the hell did she get the idea that she could sing? I sing better than her, and I couldn't hold a tune to save my life. And what's worse, she's been high on all the stinkin' pop countdowns.

The participants in American Idol are actually working hard for their future career, and Hilary Duff gets a free ride to the top. Nice one.

That proves it: our culture is seriously going to hell.

And here's another rant: What is up with my father? It seems that he always wants to shove Christianity down my throat, and when I try to explain my own views he can't understand it. He's too busy comparing my beliefs with Christianity, and he wonders why he doesn't understand.

He did, though, ask what Deism is.

"It's somewhat like agnosticism," said I.

"Those who stand in the middle of the tracks often get ran over," he replied.

I am not in the middle of the tracks. I know exactly what I stand for, what I believe in. People are so closed-minded when it comes to religion.

Christianity is the only way to go in my household. It's amazing how much of a hypocrite my father is. He makes us say grace every night, but he doesn't bow his head with the rest of the family, nor does he attend church on a regular basis. I seriously doubt he prays, and he sure as hell sins like mad.

But he's a Christian! He is one with God.

Give me a break.

Pi rode my bus today! Isn't that awesome? And do you know what's even more awesome-r? The bus driver was absent, so we got to mix the sexes for once! And that means.... I sat next to my Pi. My sweet, lovable, perfect Pi.

And that concludes my ode to Pioneer Cole Winter.

For this entry, anyway.

Benji stayed over afterschool today. He kinda overstayed his welcome. Purposely. Initially, he was supposed to get off at my stop, grab a drink of water, and walk the rest of the way home. Instead, he had an Atkins-friendly lunch, two Diet Sprites, and a long talk with Pioneer. He also opened up his own D-land account, as well as a hotmail account, located on his own diary.

After about 4.5 hours, mom glared at me, and told me to send him home. So I walked Benjamin to the corner, while he chatted with Kenny about their little relationship problems.

While walking back home, I continued to talk to Kenny. Apparently, Benji thinks that Kenny is in love with him, and it's kind of Kenny's fault.

Here's a note to you relationship people: Never tell a spouse you love them, even if you mean it in a platonic way. The romantic overtones in the relationship confuses your partner, and he thinks you are actually in love with him.

I mean, I love Pi to death. He's probably the only guy I can conversations deeper than who looks hot and what one should wear the next day. But I'm not in love with him yet, so I would never mention even my friendly love for him.

Poor Kenny, you're gonna have a lot of explaining to do to Benji later on. Best of luck.


PS: I love you Maya!

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