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February 28, 2004, 10:39 a.m.

Okay, I'm having problems with my Hotmail account (damn Netscape), so I'm posting the survey here. Enjoy, y'all.


1.) Was in your bed: Uh. I can't remember. I think it was me.

2.) Saw you cry: My entire science class in 8th grade.

3.) Made you cry: Drew. Let's leave it at that.

4.)Spent the night at your house: My Godbrother wanted to spend a few nights over. He still hasn't left yet...

5.)You shared a drink with: Chris

6.)You went to the movies with: Pi!

7.) You went to the mall with: See previously answered question.

8.)Yelled at you: Uh. I don't know, but I've done a lot of yelling at others.

9.) Sent you an e-mail: Jimmie.


10.)Said "I love you" and meant it?: I said it to my mom yesterday.

11.) Gotten in a fight w/your dog/cat/bird/fish,etc.: I get into fights with my puppy all of the time. He'll either bark back or play innocent.

12.) Yelled: Hahahaha. *grabs side in laughter and wipes a tear* Um, no?

13.) Fought: I got jumped in middle school a couple of times by a bunch of eight graders. Cowards.

14.) Been to New York?: No. :(

15.) Been to Florida?: Unfortunately.

16.) California?: No.

17.) Hawaii?: Stop these questions!

18.) Mexico?: I'm getting depressed.

19.) China?: Humph.

20.) Canada?: Now I'm all depressed, eh?

21.) Danced naked?: I hate being naked outside of the shower. I feel so... naked.

22.) Wish you were the opposite sex?: There were times...

23.) Had an imaginary friend?: No. Should I have?


24.) Red or blue?: Blue? No, red! No... *gets a headache* Ow.

25.) Spring or fall? Fall up in the mountains of NC.

26.) Are you bored?: Everybody's at Felipe's BBQ. What do YOU think?

27.) Last noise you heard?: My mom locking the door.

28.) Last time you went out of the state: A couple of years ago for Christmas. I met Matt! *shakes bootay*

29.) Things you like in a girl/guy?: They never stay the same.

30.) Do you have a crush on someone?: I've got a boyfriend. *hugs Pi* And only one crush.

31.) What book are you reading now?: Nothin'.

32.) Worst feeling in the world?: Staying home on Sunday.

33.) What is the first thing you think when you wake in the morning?: What time is it?

34.) How many rings before you answer?: Depends on who calls. I'll either not pick up at all, or pick it up but the fourth ring.

35.) daughter's name: Oh, God. As if I'd ever have kids.

36.) Future son's name: See previously answered question.

37.) If you could have any job you wanted, what would it be?: I wish I could be a successful musician. *sigh* Only a dream...

38.) Are you a lefty, righty or ambidextrous?: Lefties are freaks. <-- You said it, Jimmie.

39.) What's under your bed?: Shoes. And boxes. And shoes in boxes.

40.) Siblings: 2 sisters, 2 half sisters, and 1 brother

41.) Location: Miami, baby!

42.) Piercings: I have my ears pierced and my navel pierced. Oh, and a tattoo. Ain't that cool?

43.) Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Yes! Of course! *snuggles Pi*


44.) Do you do drugs?: Nope. Getting high feels so awkward to me.

45.) Do you drink: Alcohol is also icky.

46.) What kind of Shampoo and Conditioner do you use?: Pantene Pro V.

47.) What are you most scared of:? Benjamin Malbanks topless ::shudder::

Thank Bob I did not see that. <-- Haha, Jimmie! I'm afraid this applied to me, too.

48.) What clothes do you sleep in?: PJ's!

49.) Who is the last person who called you?: Um. No one. *le sigh*

50.) Where do you want to get married?: Who said anything about marriage?

51.) If you could change anything about yourself what would that be?: Smaller arms? Oh, eye color! Or my lack of boobs. Or my lack of an ass. Or my hair. I hate my hair. And my nose. And, and my feet. I have ugly feet.

52.) Who do you really hate?: Heath J. Lacy.

53.) Favorite number: 2

54.) Been In Love?: *sigh* Alas...

55.) What Type Automobile Do You Drive: My invisimobile!

56.) Are You Timely Or Always Late: Almost always late.

57.) Do You Have A Job: I need one. Anyone hiring?

58.) Do You Like Being Around People: Depends on the people.

59.) Are you for world peace: No. It would be stupid to wish for world peace. Like it'll ever happen.

60.) Are you a health freak: Haha, right. I eat pizza everyday.

61.) Have you ever loved someone you had no chance with: Yes. And thank God it we could never ever ever ever ever hook up.

62.) Have You Ever Cried Over Something Someone of The Opposite Sex Did: Yes. Stupid Drew.

63.) Do You Have A "Type" Of Person You Always Go After: Um. No.

64.) Want Someone You Don't Have Right Now: I have Pi. That's all I need.

65.) Ever Liked a close boy/Girl Friend: That's usually the case.

66.) Are You Lonely Right Now: I'm very bored right now.

67.) Ever Afraid You'll Never Get Married: I never had that fear. I'm more afraid of never falling in love.

68.) Do You Want To Get Married: Possibly.

69.) Do You Want Kids: Demon spawn!!!!!! <--- I agree, Jimmie!


70.) Room In house: Mom's room. It's cold. :)

71.) Type(s) of music: Oldies. And classical.

72.) Song: Dunno.

73.) Memory:

74.) Day Of The Week: Sometimes Monday, sometimes Sunday.

75.) Color: Red and navy blue and purple.

76.) Perfume and/Or Cologne: Moonlit Path by Bath and Body Works

77.) Month: December and September <---- haha, me too!

78.) Season: Winter. Okay, so he's not a season...


79.) Cried: No.

80.) Bought Something: Enh, no.

81.) Gotten Sick: Yep.

82.)Sang: I sang all of Jess's songs she played for me.

83.) Said I Love You: To me mum.

84.) Wanted To Tell Someone You Loved them: Everyday of my life.

85.) Met Someone New: No.

86.) Moved On: I wish.

87.) Talked To Someone: I talked to Jimmie and Benji and Kenny and Miriam and Pi and that jesus dude.

88.) Had A Serious Talk: Nope.

89.) Missed Someone: Pi.

90.) Hugged Someone: Several. Jimmie, Pi, Felipe, Mayya, Alice, Keriane...

91.) Kissed Someone: Hahaha. No?

92.) Fought With Your Parents: No.

93.) Dreamed About Someone: Let's not answer this question.

94.) Had a lot of sleep: Yep. Today.

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