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People are Stupid
March 06, 2004, 1:33 a.m.

Debates are so much fun. I just got into an debate with Pawel, an old friend from middle school about homosexuals.

Warning: this conversation is really long.

Miamigurl123: My phone went dead.

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: lol died on the faggot

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: lmfpo

Miamigurl123: Stop calling him a faggot, yo. That's so offensive.

Miamigurl123: And he's my best friend.

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: im deffending muh sexual status

Miamigurl123: By putting his down?

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: sure if thats what it takes

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: jk

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: truth hurts sometimes

Miamigurl123: What you're saying isn't truth, but opinion.

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: just like with the ppl that smoke ... what the casue cancer

Miamigurl123: Facts can be true or false, not opinions.

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: causes *

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: stop teachin me on saturday

Miamigurl123: lol

Miamigurl123: Okay, I'm going to bed for real now.

Miamigurl123: 'Night.

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: no ur not

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: u keep me compnay

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: make me horny and shit

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: jk

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: go to bed

Miamigurl123: I have a hard time making guys horny.

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: lol

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: put ur tongue into it

Miamigurl123: 'Cept my gay friend. All I have to do is mention a guy's ass.

Miamigurl123: ..Ew.

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: lol

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: ok i didn't have to hear that

Miamigurl123: lol

Miamigurl123: Well, neither did I.

Miamigurl123: But that didn't stop you.

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: ask him if he recives or donates

Miamigurl123: He hasn't done either yet.

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: lol

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: what a faggot

Miamigurl123: He's a virgin.

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: and im serious

Miamigurl123: *ahem*

Miamigurl123: Why must you call him a faggot?

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: fine gay

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: thats what the us calls the ppl

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: so let it be

Miamigurl123: Well, faggot is to gay as nigger is to black.

Miamigurl123: So yeah, I don't think the gov't would call a guy a faggot.

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: and what would homosexual be

Miamigurl123: Homosexual is the politically correct term for people who like the same sex, and it's the same for all the sexes.

Miamigurl123: Gay is a homosexual male.

Miamigurl123: Lesbian is a homosexual female.

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: shut ur dick suckin lips

Miamigurl123: lol

Miamigurl123: You asked.

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: no i didn't

Miamigurl123: Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: and what would homosexual be

Miamigurl123: You did.

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: cause i said faggot to gay

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: and u still were not happy

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: so i said homesexual

Miamigurl123: Faggot is offensive.

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: gay is not to plesent

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: too*

Miamigurl123: So says you.

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: and homosexual just sounds homo and leave it at that ... damn faggots makin all these names for them selves that they don't even like

Miamigurl123: Fuck, they like the term gay.

Miamigurl123: Stop calling them faggots.

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: gayyots

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: lol

Miamigurl123: Gay guys refer to themselves as gay.

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: lmfpo

Miamigurl123: I should know; I go to a school that is, like, 45 percent gay.

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: lol

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: u gonna go homo too

Miamigurl123: I like guys, thankyouverymuch.

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: sure u do thats why u havn't done anything

Miamigurl123: I just don't like it when people insult my friends.

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: maybe ur still thinkin bout it

Miamigurl123: I don't do anything because it goes against my morals.

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: morals

Miamigurl123: Yes, morals.

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: faggots .. i mean gay ppl have morals ?

Miamigurl123: Of course they do!

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: yeah thats why they went gay

Miamigurl123: They have as much morals as you and I.

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: against most religions

Miamigurl123: You're homophobic, aren't you?

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: and u heteralphobic

Miamigurl123: Of course not.

Miamigurl123: Don't be ridiculous.

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: lol

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: :-)

Miamigurl123: Meany. :-

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: why u get so offended

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: you know that every thing they do is wrong

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: especialy when they adopt kids

Miamigurl123: Don't pull that bullshit with me Pawel.

Miamigurl123: Those people are my friends.

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: so and some r mine

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: i still think how i want to

Miamigurl123: So how could you speak about them in such an ignorant manner?

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: and i feel that its really stupid to adopt a child and teach them something that is wrong by public

Miamigurl123: It's not considered wrong as much as it used to.

Miamigurl123: It's 50/50 nowadays.

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: bull shit

Miamigurl123: Watch the news!

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: depends on where u live

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: ur homo

Miamigurl123: They've done nation-wide polls on this.

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: i knew it protecting ur own race

Miamigurl123: No, I'm not prejudiced.

Miamigurl123: You're ignorant.

Miamigurl123: And you're getting me pissed.

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: i do whats right

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: sry for having an opinion

Miamigurl123: And what justification do you have for what's right?

Miamigurl123: An opinion is based on information.

Miamigurl123: And you don't seem to have any, except "I think this way because I do."

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: u know what lets all go gay and stop making kid while we at it

Miamigurl123: You don't make kids every time you have sex, Pawel. You do use condoms, right?

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: yeah

Miamigurl123: Why do you think Catholics don't like birth control?

Miamigurl123: Because is not procreative.

Miamigurl123: Why don't they like gays?

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: and how u gonna make kids when no one wants to do the opposite sex

Miamigurl123: Because gay sex is not procreative.

Miamigurl123: Society is based on a Christian background, and they teach us not to do things that aren't natural.

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: and shut up with that science shit

Miamigurl123: They're facts.

Miamigurl123: You have yet to offer me one.

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: gays r not natural

Miamigurl123: Neither are condoms.

Miamigurl123: They're latex.

Miamigurl123: And gays are natural.

Miamigurl123: I see my dogs fucking all the time.

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: its a mistake if u ever read any science book

Miamigurl123: They're both male.

Miamigurl123: My cats are the same way.

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: dogs r stupid

Miamigurl123: They're natural and uninfluenced by society in that form.

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: dogs r like inmates in prison they are desperate

Miamigurl123: Not true.

Miamigurl123: I have one female and two males.

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: not true muh ass

Miamigurl123: The males are always humping eachother.

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: maybe the bitch is ugly

Miamigurl123: She's a purebred West Highland Terrier.

Miamigurl123: She's not ugly.

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: thats what u think not ur dogs

Miamigurl123: lol regardless what my dogs think, the fact that they do hump eachother proves that same sex intercourse is natural.

Miamigurl123: You just choose not to accept it.

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: dogs r animal .. so now ur considering that we r one too

Miamigurl123: In technicality, we are.

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: jusus christ

Miamigurl123: Human beings are animals. Just higher thinkers than most animals.

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: scientist had proved that being gay or liking the same sex is a mistake in the DNA happans once in a while

Miamigurl123: So how is that not natural?

Miamigurl123: If it's in your DNA?

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: plz ur just protecting them because one of them is ur best friend

Miamigurl123: Not true.

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: thats bull shit and u know it

Miamigurl123: I'm protecting them because they deserve protection.

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: becuse most r ur friends

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: can't even admit it

Miamigurl123: And they deserve protections.

Miamigurl123: I do.

Miamigurl123: They are my friends.

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: ok

Miamigurl123: That's why I know how they act, and I know their own morals.

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: and i don't say any different

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: i jsut say its wrong and they should keep it out from the public

Miamigurl123: Why is it wrong?

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: u can't raise a child and make him or her think that that is the right thing to do

Miamigurl123: Why not?

Miamigurl123: Why isn't it right?

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: if it wasn't wrong we wouldn't have females

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: can u think straight

Miamigurl123: If getting pregnant at 16 wasn't wrong, we wouldn't be using condoms.

Miamigurl123: What's your point?

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: ok fine it not wrong but its wrong to raise a child in the way they feel is right

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: because it messes with the kids head

Miamigurl123: Fine. Teach your kids to hate blacks while your at it.

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: omg

Miamigurl123: Because it's wrong to teach them that blacks don't rape people.

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: wtf

Miamigurl123: Or blacks can't speak English.

Miamigurl123: Just using your own view, dear.

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: u know ut losing

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: ur

Miamigurl123: You have yet to offer one sound opinion based on any fact, and you say I'm losing?

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: to many thoguh r exploding in ur head because ur scared to lose

Miamigurl123: Hah, I think you've got it backwards.

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: omg

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: go to sleep

Miamigurl123: I'm wide awake now.

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: kol

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: kool

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: this is just like that topic with vegetarians .. which is another stupid thing

Miamigurl123: Vegetarians can do what they please. They're not hurting anyone.

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: but them selfs

Miamigurl123: Not necessarily.

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: omfg

Miamigurl123: You can get all of the nutrients needed from other sources.

Miamigurl123: You don't have to eat meat.

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: go suck a dick and get all ur protein

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: have fun with that

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: ppl r fuckin dumb

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: just leave it at that

Miamigurl123: At this point, I agree.

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: and let me guess u have vegetarian friends to

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: too

Miamigurl123: No.

Miamigurl123: I don't.

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: lucky

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: lol

Miamigurl123: Why?

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: u know why r body is the way it is .. one is ment to fit the other ... and stickin a dick up another mans ass is like putting a different piece of a puzzle with one from the other side of the whole puzzle.

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: i understand that u migth be gettin man because im offending them but im not sayin they should kill them just leave the kids out of this when they r growing up

Miamigurl123: It seems to fit quite nicely for my dogs.

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: if ur gay ur gay ( fucked up in the head - by scientists)

Miamigurl123: Different piece, same shape.

Miamigurl123: Wait, what?

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: dogs r desperate

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: like inmates

Miamigurl123: What's your point?

Miamigurl123: It's natural, either way.

Miamigurl123: And I told you, I have a female that they don't bother.

Miamigurl123: Usually.

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: usually

Miamigurl123: They do go for her every now and then.

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: then ur dogs r gay

Miamigurl123: My dogs are dogs.

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: put it that way

Miamigurl123: We're talking about the same animals that hump basketballs.

Miamigurl123: But my point is, that same sex intercourse happens through all species, not just humans.

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: all im sayin is that being gay is not as common as being straight and so they shell live but not drag kids that don't know anything yet

Miamigurl123: They don't tell they're kids that the kids are gay.

Miamigurl123: "Dear, because we're gay, you have to be gay too."

Miamigurl123: It doesn't work like that.

Miamigurl123: They teach them that it's not right to hate.

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: but the kid sees it every dfay

Miamigurl123: Why should it matter?

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: what u think hes gonna c as the right thing

Miamigurl123: I see my parents kiss every day. Do you know how many people thought the interracial thing was wrong 20 years ago?

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: if ur parents fart at the table while eating ur gonna do the same

Miamigurl123: Not true.

Miamigurl123: My dad belches out loud at the table, but I'd never do it.

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: because u look at ur mother

Miamigurl123: Why should that matter?

Miamigurl123: My father does it.

Miamigurl123: I see it.

Miamigurl123: I'm around it.

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: and what r u a man

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: but u have the difference in the hosue

Miamigurl123: No, but I can be influenced.

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: male and female

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: i think u know which one u r and u c how one acts

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: but ur mother has a stronger influance on u

Miamigurl123: You're saying that a gay relationship is wrong because it teaches the children that it's all right to be gay.

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: because shes a female just liek you

Miamigurl123: Because it is.

Miamigurl123: Now, I'd say they were wrong if they were forcing their kid to be gay, too.

Miamigurl123: But they, knowing what it's like to be suppressed by people like you, would never dare to do such a thing.

Miamigurl123: Because though they see the homosexual activity go on in their homes, they still have countless resources to see straight couples do what they do.

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: ok the way it has be for ages was that the male made love to the female and the kid should know and understand that before he sees homos making out and shit

Miamigurl123: There were gays before Jesus, Pawel.

Miamigurl123: Do you realize how long gays have been around?

Miamigurl123: Since the beginning of time.

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: yeah and jesus was gay too

Miamigurl123: Homosexuality is not a recent thing.

Miamigurl123: Cut the sarcasm.

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: hiding there feelings knowin that it was wrong

Miamigurl123: No, hiding their feelings because they were killed if others found out.

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: maybe there was a reson

Miamigurl123: A reason based on lies.

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: what time is it

Miamigurl123: 1:45/

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: damn

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: all cause of faggots

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: lol

Miamigurl123: Stop calling them that!

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: homos

Miamigurl123: A bit better.

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: besides u could fuck the bitch in the ass too

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: so why pick a man

Miamigurl123: Because they like me.

Miamigurl123: *men

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: lol

Miamigurl123: And why would you fuck a girl in the ass? It's not natural.

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: me ... that was funny

Miamigurl123: It's not a piece of the proverbial puzzle.

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: exacctly fuckin anther man in the ass is not natural

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: now ur contredictin ur self

Miamigurl123: God, I'm paraphrasing what you said.

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: eyah

Miamigurl123: I'm not contradicting myself.

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: yeah

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: yeah u r

Miamigurl123: I know exactly what I'm saying.

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: sure

Miamigurl123: I suppose if you heard my tone of voice you would understand better.

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: thats why u said fuckin a bitch in the ass is not natural

Miamigurl123: Based on your standards.

Miamigurl123: I don't care, either way.

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: exactly neither do i but i like to argue

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: lol

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: this was fun

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: we should fag some other time

Miamigurl123: Wasn't very enlightening, however.

Miamigurl123: ...

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: i liekd it

Miamigurl123: lol

Miamigurl123: You're an odd person.

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: yeah and so r they

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: ( the homos )

Miamigurl123: Why do you say so?

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: jesus christ

Miamigurl123: You start it.

Miamigurl123: I just want to understand why you feel the way you do.

Miamigurl123: And I still don't, because you haven't offered me any facts to base an opinion on.

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: omfg

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: u know what imma go fuck muh [self] rite now

Miamigurl123: Fine, then.

Miamigurl123: Have fun.

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: yeah thnx

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: besides a man is soppose to be a man and not a pussy

Miamigurl123: What?

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: picture james bond gay

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: that would be something

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: ewwwwwwww

Miamigurl123: What's your point?

Xx WhiteBoy72 xX: that i won't be able to sleep

Miamigurl123: ... Okay.

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