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You Ho!
April 05, 2004, 8:38 p.m.

I'm feeling better now. A little lonely, but that's normal on Passover, I suppose. Because many of my friends are Jewish, they're off doing there holiday thing, while I'm sittin' around doing my Deist thing-- absolutely nothin'.

Even Pi is out doin' his little Jewboy thing. Currently, he's at his granparents' house either eating or gettin' ready for bed. Either way, I probably won't be seeing him tonight.

And by the way, Pi, you have absolutely no obligation to mention me in your journal. I just do 'cause I'm girly like that. Besides, I don't do it too often-- at least your not enshrined in it like Kenny was in Benjamin's... *cough*

Speaking of Benjamin, he didn't show up to school today. He updated his diary, however, and revealed his major headache. According to him, it's my fault for his headache because apparently migraines are contagious over the phone.

School was rather lame today. I had Beightol for Chem, which is always boring and hard to comprehend. He's such a dork. That 'tard gave us a balancing problem that he himself couldn't solve, even when using his "special algebraic method." It was Alan-- the chemistry genius and a sophomore in AP Calculus-- that solved it for him.

Now what does that say about the teacher?

Woodwind class sucked balls. We had to play the entire period with only two things to practice. Two hours with an etude that's only 5 lines long is quite boring. It's like a drama kid having two hours to memorize a haiku-- way too much time given for that work.

So I walked around bothering Mr. Gray at times, then bothered everyone else.

"Do you know all of your major scales?" Mr. Gray asked me after pestering him for ten minutes or so.

"Of course." I learned those in, like, 7th grade.

"Okay, good. Now go practice them."

So I went to Alice, Keriane, and Ariana and we started discussing some of the newer singles out now. Among them was "Roses" by Outkast. Alice never heard the song, so Keriane and I sang the chorus to her

I know you like to thank that yo' shit don't stank

But lean a little bit closer and roses really smell like boo-boo-boo-ooh

Or somethin' like that. 'Probably said it wrong.

No matter, Alice thought the lyrics were funny. Can't say I didn't agree.

After a while, Gray came and bothered us, telling us to practice our instruments. We complained that we were tired of practicing, and that we know our stuff, but he insisted, arguing that we should set an example for the lesser players.

Honestly, if they really cared that they suck, they would be practicing on their own. Geez. Anyway, Gray told us to hold a sectional. I got stuck tutoring Alexia and Angelica. The latter refused to play, and Alexia was already practicing her shit to begin with. Neither needed my help.

Stupid Gray.

Math was dumb, as well. She didn't give a new lessons to reduce the work that the Passover kids have to do, knowing that the real devout ones wouldn't have that much time to complete it.

In fact, we really didn't do anything all day. I did, however, find out that I got a C for the last nine weeks. I'm not surprised, really, though there hasn't been a C on my report card since elementary school.

I'm not *too* bummed about it, 'cause there ain't nothin' I can do. No use crying over spilled milk.

Tad shaved his head! My God, it looks awful! He looks like one of those Thai monks that one can see on the television. I told that stupid boy not to shave his head. Humph. People should listen to me.

That mentally-challenged kid came back to our lunch table today. We saw him coming, and everyone grabbed their sodas and pretended to drink it so he couldn't steal them.

He looked at all of us, then motioned towards Tad for his Sprite.

"No, I'm drinking it," he said. The boy insisted further. Being the nice person that I was, I took one more swig of my Coke and gave it the rest to him.

Actually, he just creeped me out, and I wasn't that thirsty, anyway.

Well, that's all for now. See y'all later. I shall leave you with a snippet from a conversation between Jimmie and I:

PseudoZippthorne: eww... Eric thought I was angry because Kenny and Chris are doing it.

Miamigurl123: Wait-- they're actually doing it?

Miamigurl123: Or just messing around?

PseudoZippthorne: I dunno.

PseudoZippthorne: I took it out of context the fact that they were alone for 35 minutes

PseudoZippthorne: or maybe it was in context. either way, Kenny doesn'nt want to tell me.

Miamigurl123: Well I was alone with Pi for two hours and we didn't do it.

PseudoZippthorne: hmm... straight people and their morals

Miamigurl123: lol

PseudoZippthorne: gay people don't have tohs sweety.

PseudoZippthorne: those*

Miamigurl123: Do too.

Miamigurl123: You just don't.

Miamigurl123: 'Cause you're a ho.

My poor slutty Jimmie. Love ya!


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