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4th o' July is near!
July 02, 2004, 8:17 p.m.

I'm at my sister's house right now, just chillin' and waitin' for Ms. Gomez to e-mail me back so I can take my two exams. Other than that, everything's cool.

I've spent the last several hours having my chocolate Teddy Grahams eaten by two midget nephews. Scooter, whose ability to eat the most is evident by his round stomach and chubby cheeks, has been stuffing his face whilst screaming about the house and hiding himself under his overstuffed comforter. He also makes it a habit to taunt me with his hamburger that his mother--my sister-- got him from Burger King.

Unfortunately, I am now officially on a diet. This morning when I tried to put on my favorite pair of pants, I nearly fell over. My hips are too wide to fit into the pants, and I had to practically do the twist to get it on. This wouldn't bother me so much if the pants were tight when I first bought the, but since the pants used to be rather loose-fitting, I feel absolutely fat.

For some reason, my fat seems to want to reposition more of itself in places that used to receive only a bit of attention from the fat factory. It's now settling more around my hips, thighs, and breasts, rather than my stomach and arms. Granted, I'd always gained weight in those areas first, but I weigh the same as I did 6 months ago, yet my body shape has changed. It is this change in body shape that has probably attributed to my change in body perception.

And boy, do I feel fat.

Therefore, I have decided on limiting my food the way I used to, the way that Alice learned it, though I doubt I'll take it as far than her. Still, I could stand to lose a few pounds, and I plan on doing it.

That's all fo' now. Ta-ta.

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