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July 17, 2004, 5:18 a.m.

For Pioneer.

What Would You do if..?

I cried: If I caused it, I'd feel terribly guilty, but probably pissed off. Otherwise, I'd hold you until you stopped.

I asked you to help: I'd help you, if I could.

I died from natural causes: I'd cry and help arrange your funeral. Then I'd commit suicide.

I said I liked you: I'd go out on a date with you. :)

I kissed you: I love your kisses.

I started smoking: I'd make you stop!

I stole something: I'd reprimand you, but that's about it.

I was hospitalized: I'd stay by your side and give you flowers and a get-well card.

I ran away from home: I'd tell you to come stay with me!

I got in a fight and you were there: If it was your prerogative to fight, I'd support you. However, if it was something entirely petty, I'd try to get you to stop.

I got pregnant: You can't get pregnant, silly.

I got dumped: You won't be dumped! So there!

I pissed you off: We already know how that plays out....

What Do You Think Of My..?

Personality: Absolutely beautiful.

Eyes: Your eyes are the gateway to your soul, and reflect your inner beauty.

Face: Sexy. Rarh.

Hair: I love your hair! I love running my fingers through it.

Clothes: I'd prefer you in none. Haha.

Voice: Perfect.

Humor: Similar to my own. I'm not sure if that's a good thing...

Choice of music: Hey, it's fine with me. :)

Manerisms: Nothing out of the ordinary. You're just a tad bit more graceful than everyone else, except when you're tripping over something. ^_^

Family: An asshole of a father. Yeah.

Body: Perfect!!! You are one sexy guy.

Friends: Two words: Zachory Sandoval. Eesh.

Decisions: Bad, bad, bad. After all, you're stuck with me as a girlfriend.

Would You..?

Be my friend: I'm your girlfriend, silly.

Tell me the truth no matter what: Uh, no.

Lie to make me feel better: If it was a small lie, yes.

Spread rumors about me: Now why would I do that?

Keep a secret if I told you one: I'd try my best.

Loan me some cash: If I had any.

Hold my hand: Anytime. :)

Take a bullet for me: Without a doubt.

Keep in touch: Always.

Try and solve my problems: If you'd let me.

Love me: I already do.

Ditch me: Never.

Use me: Depends on the reason. >: )

Date me: Every chance I got!

Rape me: Yeah!

Beat me up: Haha, you could easily pin me down.... Don't get any ideas!

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